Change management

Many companies are currently undergoing one or more change processes. A coherent approach is crucial. All stages in a change process have their value.
Make sure you have insight into the current situation and the existing behavior of employees. Involve them. Once you have created an environment in which employees are aware of the reason to change and feel involved in the solution, support for the change may increase.
Think for example of a transformational change: a change of culture.

The leadership style within the organization will have to be adapted to the specific change. After all, the leaders are the ones who must ensure that the dot on the horizon is clear, as well as the road towards it. As an organization, you need resources to facilitate this, namely your co-workers. Confusion often arises when there is no clear vision within an organization. Hence why drawing up a company vision based on the mission forms the basis of the organization. The mission statement answers the “what” The vision builds further on this, it gives a picture of the future.
A clear and inspiring story, storytelling, about the why and what is crucial. The dot on the horizon has been determined; you leave the details of the road towards it to those affected by the change. That’s where the best ideas come from! Moreover, this gives employees a grip and influence on the new path they are taking together.

To avoid chaos, it is important to have a plan that translates the ‘what’ into the ‘how’. Clear internal communication is necessary. To avoid frustration among employees, it is necessary to think in advance about what resources are needed to facilitate organizational change and support employees in this.
Then you start thinking about how the desired change can be implemented and how the new desired behaviour should be shaped. If you allow employees to shape the new behaviour themselves, you will make optimal use of the internal knowledge available within your organization.
Let employees discover the solution for themselves. When you provide the solution, you deprive employees of the energy that comes from a sense of ownership of the solution and the realization of change.

Important to successfully implement a change process is to make sure you remove obstacles, facilitate the right resources, and celebrate small successes.
Change can also be accompanied by feelings of fear, fear of the unknown. As leaders, make sure employees feel “safe”, show understanding, and give space and trust.

Finally, as an organization, invest in employee competencies. In the event of a change, different working methods and therefore competencies may be expected of employees that they do not yet or insufficiently master. If these employees need new/different skills, train them. In short: invest in the most important resources, the employees!
With every change that has a direct or indirect impact, you can expect a reaction. We are creatures of habit. Involve your employees in this process.

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