The full-time four-day week and alternating week regime was approved.

On Sept. 29, the full-time four-day week and alternating week regime was approved in the House of Representatives.
This labor deal makes it possible for your employees to work in a full-time four-day week or an alternating week regime through the work regulations. Now we are waiting for the publication in the Belgian Official Gazette to apply this.

What this means:
Full-time performance, performing in 4 days:
It will be possible to provide in the work regulations that a full-time employee performs his schedule of maximum 38 hours per week on 4 days, with a daily working time of maximum 9,5 hours

Performance under an alternating week regime:
This new alternating week schedule aims to improve the employee’s work-life balance.
The intention is for the normal weekly working hours to be performed in a two-week cycle. The framework will need to be foreseen in the work regulations. The performance in the first week will be compensated by the performance in the second week. Up to 9 hours can be worked daily and up to 45 hours weekly.

Whether many employers will make use of these systems remains to be seen.

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